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RTT Hypnosis and Vortex Healing Package


RTT Hypnosis is for a variety of issues you want to change. More information is on the Modalities Page about RTT and Vortex Healing. In this session we also include a Vortex Healing Session on the same subject as the Hypnosis to clear any blockages, mend any broken Divine and Vital Lines, bring more Energy into the System, Clear the Chakras, Meridians and other Energy Bodies, Dissolve Karmic Knots that may be inhibiting your progress and a host of other Energy Work based on your current needs.  These 2 Protocols will typically last a minimum of 3 hours and also includes a 90-minute phone consultation before the session to build the Healing Session just for you. There is also additional talk time before and after the Session and a 3-month email follow up.



This session includes both RTT and Vortex Healing to work together on any issue you are working on to change. Combining these 2 powerful Protocols will work on the Subconscious and Energy Bodies in the same session to provide a deeper healing session that involves several layers of our Being. By following our instructions, typically only one hypnosis session is needed to make the change. One Vortex Session will also clear some of the other issues in the physical and energy bodies, however because of the changing nature and complexity of the systems worked on with Vortex Healing, many find a quarterly maintenance schedule works best for them involving more than one Vortex session.